Электронная библиотека СПб ГБУК ГСЦБС "Коррекционная педагогика и психология"


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Иностранные корпоративные, государственные, частные фонды и донорские организации [Электронный ресурс]: гранты, стипендии, стажировки, международные обмены, техническая поддержка, благотворительность: справочное пособие для ученых, аспирантов, студентов и представителей некоммерческих организаций / авторы-составители: проф. М. В. Неженцев, др. С. П. Колесников. — Санкт-Петербург: Изд-во РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена, 2001. — 192 с. — (Библиотека фандрейзинга). — Доступ с компьютеров локальной сети библиотеки. — Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 и выше, Adobe Flash Player. — <URL:http://tlib.gbs.spb.ru/dl/6/Иностранные корпоративные, государственные, частные фонды и донорские организации.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 28.11.2016

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  • Иностранные корпоративные, государственные, частные фонды и донорские организации
    • Австралия
      • Arts Management Pty Ltd
      • AusAID - Australian Agency of International Development
      • Australian Academy of Science
      • Australian Academy of the Humanities*
      • Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust*
      • Australian Federation of University Women
      • Australian Multicultural Foundation*
      • Australian National University
      • Australian Spinal Research Foundation
      • Australian Youth Foundation*
      • University of Melbourne*
      • University of Queensland
      • Winston Churchill Memorial Trust*
    • Австрия
      • International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
    • Аргентина
      • Dr. J. Roberto Villavicencio Foundation*
      • Raul Prebisch Foundation
      • Schcolnik Foundation*
    • Бельгия
      • European Human Rights Foundation
      • International Association (INTAS)
      • King Baudouin Foundation
      • Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
      • NATO Science Fellowships
      • Union of International Associations
      • Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
    • Болгария
      • Evrika Foundation
      • Free and Democratic Bulgaria Foundation
      • House of Humour and Satire
    • Великобритания
      • Alliances for Voluntary Initiatives and Development
      • BEARR Trust
      • British Academy
      • British Council
      • British Executive Service Overseas (BESO)
      • Catholic Fund for Overseas Development
      • Charities Aid Foundation
      • Childhope United Kingdom
      • Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals
      • Commonwealth Foundation
      • Conservation Foundation
      • Department for International Development
      • Dr. Marie Aylwin Cotton Foundation
      • Foundation for Management Education*
      • Gilbert Murray Trust*
      • Imperial Cancer Research Fund
      • International Health Ecxhange (IHE)
      • Jane Hodge Foundation
      • Leverhulme Trust
      • Nuffield Foundation
      • Opportunity International UK (Opportunity Trust)
      • Oxford Committee for Famine Relief
      • Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
      • Royal Society
      • Shell Foundation (Royal Dutch/Shell Group)
      • Wates Foundation
      • Wellcome Trust
      • Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)
    • Венгрия
      • Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute
      • Open Society Institute
      • Central European University
    • Германия
      • Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
      • Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation
      • Bertelsmann Foundation
      • Centre for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Management (CIPSEM)
      • Deutsche Bank Alfred Herrhausen Help for Self-Help Foundation*
      • Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
      • Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities
      • Dr. Rainer Wild Foundation for Healthy Nutrition
      • Eberhard Schock Foundation
      • European Natural Heritage Fund
      • Foundation for Basic Research in Medicine
      • Freudenberg Foundation
      • Friedrich Naumann Foundation
      • Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
      • Gerda Henkel Foundation
      • German National Scholarship Foundation
      • Global Ethic Foundation
      • Goethe-Institute
      • Hans Seidel Foundation
      • Heinrich Boell Foundation
      • Institute for European History (Institut fur Europaische Geschichte)
      • International Youth Library Foundation
      • Konrad Adenauer Foundation
      • Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science
      • Oberhausen International Short Film Festival Awards
      • Robert Bosch Foundation (Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH)
      • Schweisfurth Foundation
      • Transparency International
      • Volkswagen Foundation
      • Wilhelm Sander Foundation
      • Youth and Music of Germany (Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland)
      • Youth Research Foundation
    • Греция и Кипр
      • State Scholarships Foundation
      • Pierides Foundation
      • Alexander S. Onassis Foundation
      • Athenaeum International Culture Center
    • Дания
      • Alfred Benzon Foundation
      • Danish Peace Foundation
      • Europe Foundation (International Education Centre)
      • Nordic Council of Ministers
      • Rockwool Foundation
      • Scandinavian Association (Foreningen NORDEN)
    • Израиль
      • Galillee College
      • Hebrew University of Jerusalem
      • Lady Davis Fellowship Trust
      • Weizmann Institute of Science Postdoctoral Fellowships
    • Индия
      • Lady Tata Memorial Trust
      • Indian Council of Social Science Research
      • Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
    • Ирландия
      • Health Research Board
    • Испания
      • Jaume Bofill Foundation
      • José Carreras International Leukaemia Foundation
      • Ramon Areces Foundation
      • Santa Maria Foundation
    • Италия
      • Doctors for Developing Countries
      • Fondazione prof. Alessio Pezcoller
      • Food & Agriculture Organization
      • Giulio Pastore Foundation
      • International Lelio Basso Foundation for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples
      • International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
      • International Violin Competition (Premio Nicolo Paganini)
      • Luigi Einaudi Institute for Monetary, Banking, and Financial Studies
      • Roberto Longhi Foundation for the Study of the History of Art
    • Канада
      • Bohdan and Gloria Chemerynsky Fund
      • Canada Ukraine Foundation (CUF)
      • Canadian Human Rights Foundation (CHRF)
      • Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS)
      • Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
      • Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation
      • Foster Parents Plan (PLAN)
      • Herbie Fund (Hospital for Sick Children)
      • International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development (ICHRDD)
      • Jules and Paul-Emile Leger Foundation
      • Mennonite Central Committee (MCC CANADA)
      • Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada MSSC
      • Mykhailo and Daria Kowalsky Fund
      • Petro Jacuk Educational Foundation
      • Siloam Childcare International
      • University of Calgary (Arctic Institute of North America)
      • World Leisure & Recreation Association
      • World Vision Canada
    • Корея
      • Korea Foundation
    • Кувейт
      • Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science (KFAS)
    • Латвия
      • Latvia Children's Fund
    • Нидерланды
      • Alfred Mozer Foundation
      • Bernard Van Leer Foundation
      • Canon Foundation
      • DOEN Foundation
      • Erasrmus Prize Foundation (Stichting Praemium Erasmianum)
      • Gaudeamus Foundation
      • Government of the Netherlands
      • International Choir Competition - Arnhem
      • Mama Cash Fund for Women
      • Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries
      • Netherlands Refugee Committee
    • Новая Зеландия
      • C. Alma Baker Trust*
      • National Heart Foundation of New Zealand*
      • Peace and Disarmament Education Trust
      • Sutherland Self Hlelp Trust*
      • Todd Foundation*
    • Норвегия
      • Chr. Michelsens Institutt for Viderskap og Aandsfrihet
      • Nobel Institute
      • Professor Thorolf Rafto Foundation for Human Rights
      • Research Council of Norway
      • University of Oslo
    • Пакистан
      • Rangoonwala Trust
    • Польша
      • Foundation in Support of Local Democracy
      • Henryk Wieniawski Music Society
      • Microfmance Centre for CEE and the NIS
      • Stefan Batory Foundation
    • Республика Сингапур
      • National University of Singapore
    • Румыния
      • Romanian Cultural Foundation
    • Саудовская Аравия
      • King Faisal Foundation
    • Соединенные Штаты Америки
      • Abbott Laboratories Fund*
      • A. J. Muste Memorial Institute (International Nonviolence Training Fund)
      • Administration for Children and Families Adoption Opportunities Project Grants and Contracts
      • Adventist Development & Relief Agency International
      • Aid to Artisans
      • Air Serv International
      • Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships (AFPF)
      • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
      • American Academy of Neurology
      • American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
      • American Association of University Women Educational Foundation
      • American Councils for International Education
      • American Express Foundation
      • American Foundation for AIDS Research
      • American Intercultural Student Exchange
      • American International Health Alliance
      • American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
      • Amity Institute
      • Amnesty International
      • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
      • Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
      • Apple Computer Inc.
      • Arts International
      • Asia Foundation
      • Aspen Institute Nonprofit Sector Research Fund
      • Association Liaison Office for University Cooperation in Development (ALO)
      • Astraea National Lesbian Action Foundation
      • AT&T Foundation
      • Bechtel Foundation
      • Bedding Plants Foundation
      • Benton Foundation
      • Bernard and Andre Rapaport Foundation
      • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
      • Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.
      • Brookings Institution
      • Buckner Foundation*
      • Bunting Institute of Radcliffe College
      • CarEth Foundation
      • Carnegie Cororation of New York
      • Carthage Foundation
      • Caterpillar Foundation
      • Center For Field Research (Earthwatch)
      • Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
      • Cessna Foundation
      • Chapin Hall Fellowships in Children's Policy Research
      • Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation
      • Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
      • Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
      • Chase Manhattan Foundation
      • Chevron Corporation
      • Child Art Foundation, International
      • Children's Heart Foundation International
      • Children's Network International
      • Christian Childrens Fund (CCF)
      • Christian Freedom International
      • Citizen Exchange Council
      • Citizens Democracy Corps
      • Civic Education Project
      • Coca-Cola Foundation
      • Compaq Computer Corporation
      • Compton Foundation
      • Council for European Studies
      • Council for International Exchange of Scholars*
      • Department of Agriculture
      • Department of Commerce
      • Department of Education
      • Dehapartment of Labor (DOL)
      • Department of State
      • Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund
      • Dillon International
      • Djerassi Resident Artists Program
      • Doctors of the World
      • Dorothea Haus Ross Foundation
      • Dow Jones Newspaper Fund
      • Duke University
      • Edna McConnell Clark Foundation
      • Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
      • Esther A. and Joseph Klingenstein Fund, Inc
      • Ethyl Corporation
      • Eurasia Foundation
      • Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption (FRUA)
      • First Hand
      • Flying Doctors of America (FDoA)
      • Fogarty International Center
      • Ford Foundation
      • Ford Motor Company Fund
      • Foundation for Health Care Quality
      • Freedom Forum
      • General Electric Foundation
      • General Motors Foundation, Inc.
      • German Marshall Fund of the United States
      • GlaxoSmithKline Corporation
      • Global Action International
      • Global Fund For Children
      • Global Fund for Women
      • Global Greengrants Fund
      • Goodwill Global Inc. (GGI)
      • Gray Doves International
      • Green Empowerment
      • Harriman Institute
      • Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
      • Hastings Center
      • Heartbeat International
      • Henry M. Jackson Foundation
      • Hepatitis Foundation International
      • Holt International Children's Services
      • Honeywell Foundation International*
      • Household International Corporate
      • Howard Hughes Medical Institute
      • Human Rights Watch
      • IBM International Foundatin
      • Initiative for Social Action and Renewal in Eurasia (ISAR)
      • Institute for Humane Studies
      • Institute of International Education (IIE)*
      • Intel Corporation
      • International Service Agencies
      • International Center
      • International Center for Not-for-Profit Law
      • International Crane Foundation*
      • International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
      • International Fund for Documentary Photography
      • International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission
      • International Labor Rights Fund
      • International Partnership for Service Learning
      • International Republican Institute (IRI)
      • International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX)
      • International Youth Foundation
      • J. Paul Getty Museum
      • J. Paul Getty Trust
      • Jackson Laboratory Postdoctoral Research Training Program
      • James S. McDonnell Foundation*
      • Jamestown Foundation
      • Jewish Institutional Grants
      • Jewish Women International
      • John and Mary R. Markle Foundation
      • John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
      • John S. and Jams L. Knight Foundation
      • John Templeton Foundation
      • Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies (Center for Civil Society Studies)
      • Johnson & Johnson
      • Kennedy Center
      • Kiwanis International
      • Lesbian Health Fund
      • Leukemia Society of America
      • Levi Strauss and Company Corporate Giving Program
      • Lindesmith Center/Open Society Institute
      • Love the Children
      • Luce Foundation, Inc.
      • Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
      • Make-A-Wish Foundation
      • Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund
      • McDonald’s Corporation*
      • Middlebury College
      • Millipore Foundation
      • Mission Safety International, Inc.
      • Monsanto Fund
      • NAFSA: Association of International Educators*
      • Nathan Cummings Foundation
      • National Blood Foundation
      • National Endowment for Democracy
      • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
      • National Institute of Health
      • National Institute of Nursing Research
      • National Institute on Drug Abuse
      • National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS)
      • National Research Council
      • New Balance Foundation
      • New Investigator Leukemia Research
      • New York Times Company Foundation
      • New-Land Foundation*
      • Noel Foundation
      • Norman Foundation*
      • Northcote Parkinson Fund
      • Oak Institute
      • Office of Presidential Libraries
      • Old Dominion University
      • Olin Corporation Charitable Trust
      • Overseas Press Club of America
      • Pediatric AIDS Foundation
      • PepsiCo Foundatin, Inc.
      • Peter F. Drucker Foundation
      • Pew Charitable Trusts
      • Pfizer Inc. Foundation
      • Philip Morris Companies Corporate Contributions Program*
      • Phillips Petroleum Company
      • Physicians for Human Rights
      • Ploughshares Fund
      • Population Council
      • Procter and Gamble Fund
      • Project Concern International
      • Project Harmony
      • Public Welfare Foundation
      • Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation (Center for Human Rights)
      • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
      • Rockefeller Brothers Fund
      • Rockefeller Foundation
      • Rockwell International Corporate Trust
      • Ronya and George Kozmetsky (RGK) Foundation
      • Rotary Foundation
      • Sabre Foundation, Inc.
      • Samuel Kress Foundation
      • Sarah Scaife Foundation
      • School of Visual Arts
      • Shaler Adams Foundation
      • Sister Fund
      • Sister Kenny Institute
      • Small World Foundation
      • Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc.
      • Smithsonian Institution
      • Social Science Research Council
      • Society for the History of Technology
      • Sol and Arlene Bronstein Foundation
      • Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum)
      • Spencer Foundation
      • Stanford University*
      • Tolstoy Foundation, Inc.
      • Turner Foundation
      • United Nations Headquarters Internship Program
      • United Parsell Foundation (UPS)
      • United States Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites*
      • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Research Institute
      • United States Information Agency
      • United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Inc.
      • United Way International (UWI)
      • University of Arizona, Center for the Study of Higher Education
      • University of California, Berkeley (Institute of International Studies)
      • University of New Hampshire
      • University of Notre Dame (Helen Kellogg Institute)
      • US Institute of Peace (USIP)
      • Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation*
      • Vira I. Heinz Endowment
      • Virtual Foundation
      • Vishnevskaya-Rostropovich Foundation (VRF)
      • Water Partners International
      • Wenner-Gren Foundation
      • Westinghouse Foundation
      • Wheat Ridge Ministries
      • Woods Hole Research Center
      • Woodstock School of Art
      • World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP)
      • World Bank
      • World Evangelical Fellowship
      • World Federation for Mental Health
      • World Society for the Protection of Animals
      • World Wildlife Fund
    • Тайвань (Республика Китай)
      • Chia Hsin Foundation
      • Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
    • Финляндия
      • Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM)
      • Bank of Finland, Institute for Economies in Transition
      • Centre for International Mobility
      • Council of Finnish Foundations
      • Finnish Cultural Foundation
      • Finnish National Fund for Research and Development Sitra*
      • UN University Helsinki
      • University of Lapland, International Studies Centre
      • Yrjo Jahnsson Foundation
    • Франция
      • Council of Europe (Cooperative Programmes with Central and Eastern Europe)
      • European Science Foundation
      • Foundation for Medical Research
      • Fyssen Foundation
      • International Astronomical Union
      • Maison des Sciencess de I'Homme
      • Reporters Sans Frontieres
    • Швейцария
      • Aga Khan Foundation
      • Eurocentres Foundation
      • European Archives Foundation
      • Foundation for European Language and Educational Centers
      • International Council of Nurses
      • International Federation of University Women
      • International Union against Cancer
      • Martin Ennals Foundation
      • Mentor Foundation
      • Roche Research Foundation
      • Rroma Foundation
      • Servas
      • Swiss National Science Foundation
      • Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
      • World Council of Churches
      • World Health Organization (WHO) Avenue Appia
      • World Meteorological Organization
    • Швеция
      • Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation
      • Erik Philip-Sorensens Stiftelse
      • Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation
      • Knut and Alice Wallanberg Foundation
      • Mittag-Leffler Foundation of the Swedish Academy of Science
      • Nobel Foundation
      • Swedish Cancer Society
      • Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (MISTRA)
      • Swedish Heart Lung Foundation
      • Swedish Institute
      • Swedish Natural Science Research Council Grants and Scholarships
      • Swedish NGO Foundation for Human Rights
      • Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
      • World Childhood Foundation
    • Япония
      • Association of International Education
      • International University of Japan
      • Ishizaka Foundation
      • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science*
      • Japanese NGO Center for International Cooperation
      • Kawakami Memorial Foundation
      • Matsumae International Foundation
      • Mitsubishi Ginlo Kokusai Zaidan (Mitsubishi Bank Foundation)
      • Niwano Peace Foundation
      • Tokyu Foundation for Inbound Students
      • Toshiba International Foundation
      • Toyota Foundation (Toyota Zaidan)

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